21 research outputs found

    Remarks on Morphisms of Spectral Geometries

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    Having in view the study of a version of Gel'fand-Neumark duality adapted to the context of Alain Connes' spectral triples, in this very preliminary review, we first present a description of the relevant categories of geometrical spaces, namely compact Hausdorff smooth finite-dimensional orientable Riemannian manifolds (or more generally Hermitian bundles of Clifford modules over them); we give some tentative definitions of the relevant categories of algebraic structures, namely "propagators" and "spectral correspondences" of commutative Riemannian spectral triples; and we provide a construction of functors that associate a naive morphism of spectral triples to every smooth (totally geodesic) map. The full construction of spectrum functors (reconstruction theorem for morphisms) and a proof of duality between the previous "geometrical' and "algebraic" categories are postponed to subsequent works, but we provide here some hints in this direction. We also show how the previous categories of "propagators" of commutative C*-algebras embed in the mildly non-commutative environments of categories of suitable Hilbert C*-bimodules, factorizable over commutative C*-algebras, with composition given by internal tensor product.Comment: 9 pages, AMS-LaTeX2e. Reformatted, heavily revised and corrected version, only for arXiv, of a previous review paper published in East-West Journal of Mathematics. The main results presented in this review are now part of F.Jaffrennou PhD thesis "Morphisms of Spectral Geometries" (Mahidol University, June 2014

    Enriched Fell Bundles and Spaceoids

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    We propose a definition of involutive categorical bundle (Fell bundle) enriched in an involutive monoidal category and we argue that such a structure is a possible suitable environment for the formalization of different equivalent versions of spectral data for commutative C*-categories.Comment: 12 pages, AMS-LaTeX2e, to be published in "Proceedings of 2010 RIMS Thematic Year on Perspectives in Deformation Quantization and Noncommutative Geometry

    Modular Theory, Non-Commutative Geometry and Quantum Gravity

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    This paper contains the first written exposition of some ideas (announced in a previous survey) on an approach to quantum gravity based on Tomita-Takesaki modular theory and A. Connes non-commutative geometry aiming at the reconstruction of spectral geometries from an operational formalism of states and categories of observables in a covariant theory. Care has been taken to provide a coverage of the relevant background on modular theory, its applications in non-commutative geometry and physics and to the detailed discussion of the main foundational issues raised by the proposal.Comment: Special Issue "Noncommutative Spaces and Fields

    A Category of Spectral Triples and Discrete Groups with Length Function

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    In the context of A. Connes' spectral triples, a suitable notion of morphism is introduced. Discrete groups with length function provide a natural example for our definitions. A. Connes' construction of spectral triples for group algebras is a covariant functor from the category of discrete groups with length functions to that of spectral triples. Several interesting lines for future study of the categorical properties of spectral triples and their variants are suggested.Comment: 23 pages, AMS-LaTeX2

    A Remark on Gelfand Duality for Spectral Triples

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    We present a duality between the category of compact Riemannian spin manifolds (equipped with a given spin bundle and charge conjugation) with isometries as morphisms and a suitable "metric" category of spectral triples over commutative pre-C*-algebras. We also construct an embedding of a "quotient" of the category of spectral triples introduced in arXiv:math/0502583v1 into the latter metric category. Finally we discuss a further related duality in the case of orientation and spin-preserving maps between manifolds of fixed dimension.Comment: 15 pages, AMS-LaTeX2e, results unchanged, several improvements in the exposition, appendix adde